Personal Profile

Single    Married    Common-Law Partner   

Yes    No

None    1    2    3    4 or more

None    1    2    3    4 or more

Your Language Skills


Your Education and Training

Yes    No

Yes    No

Please list all of your education and/or training other than high school (secondary school), starting with the most recent:

Your Work History

Yes    No

Express Entry Profile

Yes    No

Yes    No

Canadian Job Offer

Yes    No

Starting with your current (or most recent) job, please list all the paid work you have done during the last 10 years:

Family or Friends in Canada

Yes    No
Do you have any family members or relatives living in Canada and who are 18 years or older? 
Yes    No

Please list all of your education and/or training other than high school (secondary school), starting with the most recent:

Your Personal Net Worth

This question is optional. Net worth is considered for some immigration programs.


Enter Your Contact Information

This question is optional. Net worth is considered for some immigration programs.

You may provide additional information that you think would be relevant to your immigration assessment. Would you like to add information at this time?